Flat Plate Collectors



The common type of solar collector which have been in use since the 1950s. The main components of a flat plate panel are a dark colored flat plate absorber with an insulated cover, a heat transferring liquid containing antifreeze to transfer heat from the absorber to the water tank, and an insulated backing. The flat plate feature of the solar panel increases the surface area for heat absorption. The heat transfer liquid is circulated through copper or silicon tubes contained within the flat surface plate


Authorized Dealer of “V-GUARD” (Popular Brand in Solar Water Heaters).
Hot water can be used for Bathing, Showering, Kitchen, Swimming Pool.
Hot Water supply for 24 Hours at 60 Degree Celsius.
High quality PUF minimizes the heat loss of water inside the tank.
High quality vacuum tubes to minimize heat & maximizing Absorption.
Huge saving on electricity and fuel charges.
Electrical Backup for winter season.
Robust Construction
Requires more space for installation
Needs periodical cleaning resulting heavy maintenance charges.
Recommended for water having a hardness less than 80 PPM.
Pressurised & Non Pressurised
Whole System Warranty is for 5 Years. (Except Glass)


Available System Sizes are 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 & 500 LPD.
Users can be Bungalow Owners, Farm Houses, Dhabas, Restaurants.


Available System Sizes are above 500 LPD.
Users can be Hotels, Hospitals, Resorts, Hostels, Canteens, Societies & Industries.